Friday, January 25, 2013

The 60s: The Music and the Movement Fundraising Event

I’m back!!!Yeah, I haven’t written a blog for a minute, but I’m back to promote our upcoming event, The 60s: The Music and the Movement, hosted by ACHG Superstars, a fundraiser for The Gullah/Geechee Angel Network.

+Min. Arthur Chisolm of ACHG Superstars is teaming up with +Elder Carlie Towne, Director of The Gullah/Geechee Angel Network and presently serves as Minister of Information of + Gullah/Geechee Nation under the Leadership Of + Queen Quet Chieftess of the Gullah/Geechee Nation.

For those of you not familiar with these two incredible organizations, let me give you the 411!

The Gullah/Geechee Angel Network is a 501c nonprofit organization whose mission is to preserve, protect and promote the cultural heritage of the Gullah Geechee people who have lived in the southeastern portion of the United States of America from North Carolina to Jacksonville Florida 30 miles inland (known as the "Low Country") for over 300 years; as well as to connect all people, not just in the 50 states, but internationally throughout the Diaspora, Europe, Caribbean and Africa.
They also have “Goals and Objectives” which are achieved by the implementation of a seven (7) point program: 1) The Performing Arts, 2) Arts and Crafts, 3) Educational, 4) Scholarships and Awards, 5) The Internet and The Media, 6) Production, Preservation and Documentation and last but not least 7) Health and Nutrition Awareness.

The Gullah/Geechee Angel Network’s purpose for this fundraiser is to build education centers to empower our at-risk youths.

Hosting this powerful event is Min. Arthur Chisolm of ACHG Superstars, who are all over the low country with their cameras spot lighting and talking about our schools, laws, government, church, events, and positive entertainment of all kinds!

This dynamic duo will be presenting to the public their first fundraising event, which will be taking place on February 23, 2013 at Ardy’s Resort, 2261 Margaret Grey Drive, Wadmalaw Island, S.C.

Tickets are $10.00 - ($13.50 day of the show) and are being sold at: D &D Restaurant 114 Spring St. (843) 722-2205 Charleston, S.C.; Jamaican Me Hungry 73 State St. (843) 727-0040, Charleston, S.C.; Loco Record Shop 4060 Rivers Avenue (843) 744-0232 Charleston, S.C.; My Barbershop 1381-A Ashley River Road (843) 460-4604 West Ashley/Charleston, S.C.; My-T Sharp Barbershop 6585 Dorchester Road (843) 532-1396 North Charleston.

Tickets may also be purchased online at: the online charges are $10.00 plus a fee of $1.54.

For a sneak preview of some of the entertainers go to: and view videos 127, 129 and 135!!!

If you have any questions about the upcoming event, you may contact the organizers at: ACSUPERSTARS.COM OR

I hope to see you out there because you’ve got to BE THERE!!!
Until the next time…with even more info about this great event!!!


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